Welcome Message

Dear Members,

We are delighted to extend a warm and hearty welcome to dental professionals, researchers, educators, and enthusiasts from around the world to the Global Dental Conclave. The event focusses on the subjects of Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Aesthetic and Laser Dentistrycreating a gateway to explore the world of innovation, knowledge, and collaboration.

The ever-evolving field of dentistry, patient care in Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Aesthetic Dentistry, and Laser Dentistry have witnessed remarkable advancements.

As the dental community continues to evolve and push the boundaries of oral healthcare, this conclave serves as a sign of inspiration and growth. Our commitment to excellence, the pursuit of cutting-edge advancements, and the shared passion for enhancing patient well-being brings us all under one roof.

Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities in dentistry. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

Dr. Rajiv Chugh
President of IDA
Dr. Raveendranath M
President Elect, IDA
Dr. Ashok Dhoble
Hon. Sec- General
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